A Yoga Set to End Stress: Pittra Kriya

If you do this practice without a river and without belief in anything but your own Infinite Self, it works wonders.

This kriya (yoga set) is fantastic for releasing stress. It has a long history in India. When people were filled with grief over the death of a loved one or a tragedy of some sort, they did this first exercise standing in a river. Rivers are the flow of life, sacred and healing. They would toss water over their shoulder. The yogis knew that the brain had to be restarted, broken out of the frozen state that stress produces.

Once you restore your own vitality, you can enjoy your virtues.

These exercises must all be done together and for 11 minutes - no more, no less. Rest when you need to, but see if you can keep going. Do your best, release the rest!

Pittra Kriya

1. Rest your left hand on your heart center, fingers pointing to the right. Cup your right hand in front of you with the elbow relaxed at your side. Your elbow is bent 90 degrees. Focus your eyes at the tip of your nose. The right hand lifts up and passes the ear, as if you are splashing water over your shoulder. Feel the wind pass the ear as the hand moves toward the shoulder. The wrist must cross the earlobe; the hand must travel that far back. 11 minutes

To End: Inhale, stretch the hand back as far as you can and suspend the breath for 15 seconds. Exhale. Repeat two more times.

2. Place your elbows on the second rib below the base of the breast, in line with the nipple. Hands are slightly wider than the elbows and the palms are facing up, the thumb covering the nail of the middle finger. (This mudra or hand position is called, Shuni Mudra). As you repeat the mantra, “Har,” flick your middle finger out from under your thumb. You will flick your middle finger and bring it back with each repetition of the mantra. The sound HAR is made with the tip of the tongue hitting just behind the upper front teeth. The mouth remains slightly open as you generate the sound. 11 minutes

To End: Inhale deeply and suspend your breath in, continue to flick your fingers in the same rhythm, with the breath held in. Suspend the breath for 15 seconds. Let it open the rib cage. It will balance the chakras. Cannon fire exhale (forceful exhale through rounded lips). Repeat three more times, suspending the breath 15 seconds each time.

3. Bring the arms out in front of you in a “V” about 15 degrees above shoulder height. Hands are flat and facing down. At the rate of one repetition per second, repeat the mantra, “Har,” as in the second exercise. With every repetition, cross the arms in front of you, keeping them straight (do not bend your elbows). Alternately cross one arm over the other. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose. 11 minutes

To End: Keep moving the arms; inhale and hold for 10 seconds. Cannon fire exhale. Repeat three more times, moving the hands as fast as possible during the last repetition.

It is best to practice this kriya consistently over a period of time. Try it for 40 days, and let us know how it goes!

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