A Simple Meditation for Self-Esteem and Self-Worth


“God is with me in every molecule of my being.”


The Ang Sang Wahe Guru mantra has been translated into English in many beautiful poetic ways.

“God is with me in every molecule of my being.”

“Thirty trillion points of light in me are dancing in ecstasy with the Universe.”  

“The dynamic, loving energy of the Infinite is dancing in every limb and every cell of my being.”

Each translation reveals the truth that God (Higher Power) is within us — not a separate entity. Even more important than translating the mantra is having a personal experience with it. We can observe what the sound code creates within us. 

Ang Sang Wahe Guru is a way of life. Living like we are one with our Higher Power is a different experience than living as if we are separate from it. Understanding the truth that we are one with the Divine gives a sense of peace, belonging, self-esteem, and hope.

Meditating with this mantra has many beautiful effects. One is that our everyday neuroses and worries seem smaller and less significant, allowing us to see life from a higher perspective. It can make us feel like “everything is going to be ok.” It gives self-esteem and self-worth; knowing we are one with the Divine. We affirm to ourselves that we are one with our Higher Power and the Universe. This mantra also helps remove problems, habits, and negative thoughts.

Many people on a healing or recovery path have always felt separate and alone; like they never fit in with their family, community, or peers. Knowing the truth of Ang Sang Wahe Guru — that God is actually within us — replaces the essential sense of self-esteem that may be lacking. Knowing our oneness with the Divine makes us feel worthy and like we are on the right path, no matter how gnarly that path has been in the past. Ang Sang Wahe Guru shows us we in fact DO belong, we do fit in, and we are worthy; because we ARE Divine. Sat nam.

Posture: Easy Pose

Eye focus: Tip of the Nose

Mudra: Gyan Mudra (Tip of the index finger connected with the tip of the thumb. All other fingers straight out). Hold the mudra resting on the knees.

Mantra: Ang Sang Wahe Guru. Sound is created in the back of the throat without projecting the breath outwards.

Time: 11-31 minutes

It is important to do this meditation when it is possible to relax and not drive for at least several hours afterwards. 

By Emily White

A Kundalini Yoga & Meditation teacher based in Charleston, SC, Emily is an eternal student of Yoga and the Kundalini teachings. Flowing the teachings through her and transmitting them to others is one of her favorite things in life. SuperHealth means a lot to Emily, and she is honored to lead our monthly Meditation Meetings.

Emily specializes in Mental Wellness Yoga and teaches 1:1 sessions with people who want to improve their mental health.

Find out more here: 


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